Francine Pratt

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Suicide is the second leading cause of death for young Black males, ages 15 to 24, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Coincidentally, this same age group for young Black males is one of the populations associated with the increase of gun violence in Springfield.

Is there a connection?

I read an article based on a report from the University of Georgia (UGA) Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, which indicated childhood adversity and racism are believed to be the major causes of suicide.

These are the same topics young people from various races in Springfield — especially Black and biracial males — have recently shared with community members and leaders. It concerns me because topics of this nature are difficult to have in Springfield. Statistically, this may not be a current issue for Springfield. However, the article made me think about how the Springfield community can be better informed when providing resources and services to a community that has a city and school district with growing racial diversity.

In 2023, the U.S. Census reported Springfield’s self-identified White population as 86.4 percent, Two or more Races 5.5 percent, Black or African American 4.3 percent, and Asian 1.9 percent, American Indian and Alaska Native 0.4 percent, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.2 percent. According to SPS, 75.3 percent of the students are self-identified as White, 7.9 percent Black, 6.8 percent Hispanic, 3.2 percent Asian and less than 1 percent Native American or Pacific Islander.

Parallels in Springfield conversations

In reviewing the study, I saw parallels to some of the conversations taking place in Springfield with Black and biracial young men. The article reported growing up in environments with low resources and where racial discrimination was experienced at an early age made it difficult for young adults to engage in healthy, trusting relationships. There were strong feelings of mistrust and caution toward social relationships. The researchers believe this could lead to feelings of isolation, which in turn can prompt thoughts of death and suicide.

These are similar thoughts we have heard from young people of various races as to why they do not participate in certain activities. They tend to form bonds with individuals and groups that accept them for who they are and give them a sense of belonging, even if it is not the best group.

Michael Curtis, co-author of the UGA’s report and a graduate of their Human Development and Family Science Department in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences stated, “I think we often don't look at where the disparities are and who the individuals most at risk are when we're talking about suicide ideation. We just know it's bad, and particularly among young Black men. Historically, research has not invested a lot of time and effort in looking into what are the unique cultural contexts that make certain men more at risk for suicidal thoughts than other men.”

Adverse childhood experiences at root

I found the following information from the article intriguing as ways to determine what can be done to address the issues by understanding the cause, effect and impact:

“The study reflected how childhood trauma and racism can take a heavy toll on the mental health of young Black men. The researchers followed more than 500 African American men from their late teens through early 20s in rural Georgia. The researchers found that these childhood experiences with trauma, deprivation and racism took a heavy toll on study participants' mental health as they entered adulthood.”

“The quality of our relationships is what sustains human beings,” said Steven Kogan, lead author of the study and a professor in UGA's College of Family and Consumer Sciences. “For people who have suicidal thoughts, there's this sense that no one knows me, nobody cares about me, there's nobody there for me, I am alone.”

“We found when Black men were exposed to childhood adversity, they may develop an internal understanding of the world as somewhere they are devalued, where they could not trust others, and they could not engage the community in a supportive way,” said Curtis, who practices as a licensed marriage and family therapist.

“More research is needed, but one finding is unequivocal: Loving yourself as a Black person is foundational,” Kogan said. “Teaching children and youth to be proud of being Black counters the potential for them to internalize negative messages about Blackness that pervade U.S. society.”

Here in Springfield, we have an opportunity to look at current practices, policies and systems that may help with the development of greater awareness of what can lead to even thoughts of suicide with a firearm and gun violence.

National best practices have demonstrated positive outcomes when we focus on key areas in our community with community-driven solutions. We need input from youth in the development of programming and we need to work closer with community members they trust to make a positive difference. When we help one population of people, we help all populations of people.

Francine Pratt

Francine Micheline Pratt serves as director of Prosper Springfield, a community collective impact model charged with oversight of community goals to reduce the poverty rate and increase postsecondary educational attainment. She is president of Pratt Consultants LLC, which focuses on community engagement, business infrastructure development, conflict resolution, strategic planning, and diversity training. She also is a creative partner for the Queen City Soul Kitchen restaurant. Email: More by Francine Pratt