Becky Volz, president of the Woodland Heights Neighborhood Association, speaks with Daily Citizen reporter Jackie Rehwald. (Photo by Dean Curtis)

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One of the main things that makes the Hauxeda different from traditional media is we are a nonprofit, independent organization.

We work for the community. We are focused on local news, run by local people, and supported by local people and organizations. Our board members are local and get no compensation for their work.

Our journalists are committed to telling the community’s stories in a nonpartisan, factual manner.

Across the country, more than 400 similar nonprofit news organizations have been created in the past dozen or so years. The Daily Citizen is more ambitious than most of the nonprofits that focus on local news in that we have a staff of 12 people, including nine journalists.

But while we are nonprofit, that does not mean we don’t need to make money. In the long run, we will only be successful if enough people subscribe, if enough businesses and other organizations provide partnership support, and if enough individuals in our community make tax-deductible donations to get us to break-even in about five years.

Starting today, we are excited to announce our first community fundraising drive — backed by a powerful matching gift campaign that is based on a simple theme:

News for people, not for profit.

This is one of the reminders you'll see on our site, through December 31, to donate to our NewsMatch campaign. (Image by Daily Citizen staff)

Daily Citizen picked for NewsMatch

The Daily Citizen has been selected to participate in a national campaign called NewsMatch, which is designed to grow funding and fundraising capacity for independent local newsrooms like ours.

Through NewsMatch, individual donations to nonprofit news organizations around the country are matched by national and local funders. In five years, more than $223 million has been raised through this campaign to support independent news coverage throughout the U.S.

About NewsMatch (click to expand story)

The program is managed by the Institute for Nonprofit News (INN), a nationwide network of more than 400 independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan news organizations. NewsMatch is supported through the Fund for Nonprofit News, an open collaborative fund at The Miami Foundation. Key funders include: John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; Democracy Fund; Google News Initiative; Meta Journalism Project; Dirk and Natasha Ziff; Jonathan Logan Family Foundation; Inasmuch Foundation; Loud Hound Foundation; and several other family and private foundations.

Between today and Dec. 31, this effort will match — dollar for dollar — every gift given by you, our readers, up to a total of $15,000.

If you read the Daily Citizen, you know we’re not like most other news outlets: we focus on sharing stories about how you can help make our community better.

That focus is echoed in our mission statement: “To inform our community and be a catalyst for good.” And, as the new kid in Springfield’s family of nonprofits, we’re chartered to benefit you — not shareholders with no connection to our community.

Missouri State University President Clif Smart talks with Daily Citizen Reporter Cory Matteson Feb. 18, 2022, about the decision to lift mask requirements on campus as COVID restrictions eased. (Photo by David Stoeffler)

100% independent. 100% nonprofit. 100% Springfield.

In our first year of publishing, we’ve made a difference in our community by covering issues like Springfield’s child care crisis, the lack of services for our unsheltered population, and the exodus of qualified teachers from our public schools. We’ve introduced you to unusual hiking destinations, of-the-moment restaurants, and follow-worthy businesses. We've delved into school board meetings, zoning controversies, and city budget deliberations; and served up a daily slice of life, all right in your backyard

Our long-term business plan relies heavily on subscribers, because we believe news worth publishing is news worth paying for. But, alongside subscriptions, we depend on contributions that support our mission to help make Springfield a better place to live and thrive.

Your 100 percent tax-deductible gifts help us pay our reporters, fund our day-to-day expenses, and build a solid foundation for our future.

Your gift now is worth twice as much

For the next two months, your dollars are worth twice as much. NewsMatch will double your one-time gift, or match 12 new monthly donations, up to $1,000 total per donor.

  • You can make your gift through our convenient online donation page.
  • Or, if you prefer, you can mail a check to us at: Hauxeda, 901 S National Ave., Springfield, MO 65897. Just be sure to indicate the check is a donation for our NewsMatch campaign.

We would love for you to include the Daily Citizen in your year-end giving plans, much as you might for any of the many worthy nonprofit organizations that make our community a better place to live.

Community funded, community driven: that’s the nonprofit news difference. Please make a donation today.

David Stoeffler

David Stoeffler is the chief executive officer of the Hauxeda. He has more than 40 years experience in the news business, having been a reporter, editor and news executive in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Arizona and Missouri. You may email him at or call 417-837-3664. More by David Stoeffler