Shurita Thomas Tate is a member of the Springfield Board of Education. (Photo by Jym Wilson)

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Editor's note: Candidates for mayor of Springfield, City Council and school board were invited to submit a column in their own words explaining why they are seeking election April 4, or focusing on a topic of their choosing. School board candidate columns were published in ballot order. Links to other candidate's views may be found at the end of this column.


If elected to the Springfield Board of Education on April 4, this would be my focus:

  • Student success. I view student success as providing EVERY student with access to the knowledge, skills, resources, and supports needed to reach their highest potential and be prepared to enter the next phase of life beyond the K-12. Given the wide variability of students we serve, these are negotiable and varied based on student needs. I understand the importance of test scores, but I also value and appreciate that there are other important metrics to look at in determining student success. I am committed to working with SPS and the community to create a shared vision and goals for student success.
  • School Safety. Safe and Secure buildings and learning environments are a top priority. I served as a board liaison for the facilities task force in 2022. I voted in favor of presenting voters with Proposition S, a no tax increase bond that will provide tornado-safe storm shelters for increased safety and upgraded security. School safety and security extends beyond facilities and structures. My goal is to protect the rights of EVERY student, teacher, and staff so that they feel safe and included emotionally and psychologically. This includes but is not limited to, reviewing, and developing policies that address bullying, behavior management, and inclusive practices.
  • Supported Teachers. Teachers are the heroes of public education and one of the greatest strengths of our district. My support for teachers could include advocating for increased pay, provision of adequate classroom and building resources, decreased non-instructional responsibilities, and increased teacher input in decision-making.
  • Informed and Engaged Parents. Parents play a crucial role in their child’s education. Parents should know that that their voices are heard and valued by the school district. Engaged parents work with teachers and administrators to support their child’s learning and to find solutions to challenges. I support open and transparent communication with parents and opportunities to engage and advocate for their child’s learning.

This is who I am

I am an educator and lifelong learner. I earned a Ph.D. in speech-language pathology and have more than 20 years of experience working in a variety of educational settings, from early childhood intervention to postgraduate studies. I work as an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Missouri State University. I teach courses and conduct research related to child language and literacy development and disorders. I am committed to public service and have dedicated my life to serving others through my community involvement. I have served on numerous boards and committees locally and nationally that focus on children, families, education, and literacy.

In 2015, I founded Ujima Language-Literacy, a Springfield nonprofit whose mission is to connect, empower and advocate for children and families. Ujima supports the development and love of literacy and facilitates family access to educational opportunities.

I have had the privilege of loving and nurturing children in my home as a foster parent, the single most challenging and rewarding things I have ever experienced. My love for community, education, and children is what led me to run for school board. I understand the wide lens of public education, as well as having distinct educational expertise and local experience.

This is what I believe:

  • SPS is a strong school district with many strengths that should be celebrated and supported by the board of education. SPS also faces challenges that the board of education should work to address through our strategic plan, policies, superintendent, and budget oversight. I reject false narratives and misinformation that our schools are all failing.
  • School boards are supposed to be nonpartisan. School board members must consider how every decision will affect students, teachers, parents, and the community at large without bias, judgment, or political agenda.
  • Public education is a public good that has the potential to transform lives and strengthen communities. Whether you have children in SPS or not, as a Springfield resident, we should all be investing in the success of SPS. Healthy schools lead to healthier communities.

Every Child Must Count

As a school district we cannot control a student’s background nor the daily challenges that may impact their ability to learn. SPS students represent a large range of families and needs; students who qualify for gifted education, special education, are in foster care, who have two parents, one parents, or live with grandparents. We have students who qualify for free or reduced lunch, others do not; students who are learning English, are bilingual or even multilingual.

Our students may be brilliant, award-winning, disengaged, creative, caring, struggling, motivated, determined, alienated, or discouraged. Each student is doing the best they can with what they have. EVERY child has an individual story that is often not apparent just from looking at them. I refuse to pick and choose. Every child must count!

Vote for me, Shurita Thomas-Tate, April 4th. I have the knowledge, experience and commitment to community that is needed on this board. 


In their own words: SPS School Board candidate Judy Brunner

I understand the challenges facing school districts related to teacher recruitment, facility improvements, and academic achievement.  If I am elected to the SPS Board of Education, I will combine my education and business experience to help the district tackle these issues. 

In their own words: SPS School Board candidate Chad Rollins

I have made it a priority to give back to my community and specifically to kids through fitness over the last five years. At this point in my life, I wanted to do even more and felt offering my service on the Board of Education would be a good area to give back to my…