On June 15, 2023, SRC Holdings President and CEO Jack Stack announced the company's value had increased by 20% over the past year. (Photo provided by SRC Holdings Corp.)

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Presented by SRC Holdings Corp.

This post was paid for and produced by SRC Holdings Corp. The Daily Citizen newsroom was not involved in the creation of this content.

SRC celebrates 40 years in business — and the best is yet to come

The employee-owners of SRC have a lot to celebrate this year. Not only does 2023 mark the company’s 40th anniversary, but the ten businesses that comprise SRC Holdings continue to set records with their performance despite the challenges of high inflation, soaring interest rates, and continued supply chain challenges.

SRC’s remarkable success was driven home on the evening of June 15, 2023, when many of the company’s 2,000 associates gathered to learn the latest stock price of their business. Unlike companies traded on public exchanges, SRC is 100% owned by an employee stock ownership plan, or ESOP, which is a retirement benefit for participants.

Every year, companies with an ESOP are required to contract with a third-party to update the value of their business. The SRC associates, many with family members in tow, gathered to hear the results of that valuation, which drives the stock price of the shares in the ESOP held by the associates.

Jack Stack, the president and CEO of SRC Holdings, stood at a podium to deliver the big news: the company’s value leapt by 20% over the past year.

The crowd gasped, and then went wild with applause.

More than 600 employee-owners and family members attended SRC’s Annual Shareholder Meeting. (Photo provided by SRC Holdings Corp.)

“You have built an outrageously successful company over the past 40 years,” Stack told the audience. “And you have positioned yourself for one heckuva run for the future.”

In other words, for the employee-owners at SRC, the best is yet to come.

Beating The Odds

The SRC story is possibly unique in the annals of business, especially when you consider the long odds the company faced when it spun out of its parent company, International Harvester, back in 1983. SRC began with 119 employees and a ton of debt. Their debt-to-equity ratio was 89-to-1. A single misstep would end the company’s journey just as it was getting started.

“It was wild 40 years ago,” Stack told the audience. “If you think the economic conditions we have today are bad, you need to multiply that by three to understand what it was like back then. There was incredible pain and suffering everywhere as companies like International Harvester laid thousands and thousands of people off every week — for more than two years.”

It's hard to keep a business going for a long time even during good economic times. Most businesses fail within their first year, while a mere 25% of businesses make it past their fifth birthday. Even big-name companies aren’t immune. The average lifespan of the largest publicly-held companies is just 14 years, according to a study of the Standard & Poor’s 500 index conducted by the consulting company McKinsey.

That’s why SRC’s 40th anniversary is such a big deal. Few companies can boast a track record of shifting from surviving to thriving quite like SRC can.

Since 1983, SRC’s stock price has increased by 1,079,900%.

Consider if you had $1,000 to invest back in 1983. If you had chosen to put that money into an S&P 500 Index fund, you’d have $53,927 today. If you put that same amount of money into SRC, you would now have $10.8 million — a figure that boggles the mind.

What’s critical to recognize is that the wealth that SRC has created over the past 40 years has been shared among its employee-owners — not outside investors.

“We wanted to give the wealth to the people who create the wealth,” says Stack. “This is our way of closing the gap between the haves and the have-nots.”

SRC has paid out some $175 million over the past 40 years to those employee owners who retired or left the company. More than a few of those retirees left as millionaires.

More than 15 employee-owners have retired as millionaires, thanks to their stock in SRC. (Photo provided by SRC Holdings Corp.

“Working for an employee-owned company is a way to take a step toward fulfilling your own version of the American Dream,” says Stack. “It has a snowball effect that is truly changing lives all the way down the line — and it’s still rolling.”

Demystifying business

Not only has SRC generated substantial wealth for its employee-owners, but the company has also never laid a single employee off over its 40 years — a period that spans four recessions and the pandemic. In fact, the company absorbed a $15 million hit to its earnings in 2020 to ensure that everyone retained their job.

Stack credits SRC’s ability to create and preserve jobs over the long run to its ownership culture — which is built upon embracing practices like financial transparency, business literacy education, contingency planning, forecasting the future, and sharing the wealth. These are the foundations for The Great Game of Business, the leadership system that SRC pioneered back in 1983 to teach every one of its associates how to think and act like an owner of their business. That education begins with demystifying the language of business.

“Our playbook is nothing more than understanding business,” says Stack. “When we opened the books, we opened the hearts of the people inside the organization. We use our playbook to effectively communicate in a clear and precise way that drives the emotions out of the equation. The crazy thing is that the more we teach our people, the more they teach us.”

As Stack wrote in The Great Game of Business, the story of SRC’s early years which he co-authored with Bo Burlingham, he wanted to appeal to the highest level of thinking among his associates.

“We want to get everyone singing from the same song sheet,” says Stack, “because it takes everyone working together to achieve dynamic outcomes.”

Forecasting the future

The mistake many people make when they read Stack’s book is thinking that SRC is the same company it was back in 1983. What they miss is the incredible evolution the business has undergone over the past 40 years, which includes starting and spinning off more than 60 separate businesses.

SRC has also doubled the value of the business five years after each significant economic hiccup it has weathered.

Another overlooked aspect of the SRC story is that the people featured in the book — the ones who helped Stack start the company — are largely retired. SRC is now on its second and even third generation of employee owners.

SRC associates discuss the 5-year strategy and sales plan. (Photo provided by SRC Holdings Corp.)

This next generation of employee owners are now charting the future of SRC — all of whom have a voice in influencing where the company will grow into the future.

“The strategy of this company comes from you,” Stack told his associates. “You get to decide what you want to be when you grow up.”

Twice a year, the company gathers to discuss its collective five-year sales forecasts, strategies for growth, and contingency plans — a process they call High Involvement Planning. It’s also the time they talk about their continued efforts to diversify the business.

The company’s financial growth and performance — SRC has been profitable for 39 years in a row — shape the value of each associate’s shares in the ESOP.

“When you realize how strong the talent is in this company, you will be unstoppable in the years to come,” Stack told his associates. “The table is set for you to continue to grow this business. We’ve never been in such a strong position to dictate the future. My dream is that each of you gets to retire with millions of dollars of stock—and then pass the baton on to the next generation.”

Here's to SRC’s next 40 years — and beyond.

This post was paid for and produced by SRC Holdings, a Founding Partner of the Hauxeda. The Daily Citizen newsroom was not involved in the creation of this content. To be accepted, sponsored content must be consistent with the news or features topics, and the Springfield-centric geography, of the Daily Citizen. For questions or information about Sponsored Content, please contact Daily Citizen CEO David Stoeffler at dstoeffler@hauxeda.com.