Attendees gather for a community roundtable discussion about the issue of domestic violence in Springfield and Greene County, led by Hauxeda CEO David Stoeffler at the eFactory on June 5, 2023, as part of the Living in Fear series. (Photo by Jym Wilson)

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Today is Giving Tuesday – or, as we call it, Giving Newsday – and we hope you will consider a 100% tax-deductible contribution to the Hauxeda to help us grow in 2024.

As an incentive, three great partners of the Daily Citizen are providing a special challenge.

Every dollar donated today will be matched by Great Southern Bank, Mattax Neu Prater Eye Center, and Merrill Lynch Nelson Hallam Group — up to a total of $3,000.

Your gift of any amount is important. In addition to the matching funds, if we can get 100 new donors to support the Daily Citizen, we will earn another $1,000 from NewsMatch, a national effort that helps independent nonprofit news outlets grow.

Producing high-quality journalism is expensive. Our staff of eight full-time journalists, plus nearly a dozen regular freelance contributors, bring you regular coverage of Springfield and Greene County government, schools and colleges, courts, business, arts and culture, plus more news and features that reflect everyday life here.

In addition, a key commitment is to bring you in-depth reports you won’t find from any other local media. In the past year, that includes stories such as:

  • Ryan Collins’ look at the myths vs. the realities when it comes to downtown Springfield. The headline explains: Downtown Springfield is safe and growing, but still needs improvement
  • Jack McGee’s examination of the growth in unregulated short-term rentals, such as Airbnb units, and how many owners have flown under the city government’s radar by never acquiring needed licenses. His story looked at the coming crackdown and impact of an expanded city room tax.
  • Joe Hadsall used records obtained through a Sunshine Law request to reveal the roller coaster of excitement and disappointment as Springfield Public Schools searches for a site for a new Pipkin Middle School. Then Joe used public records to show potential locations that might still be under consideration, and others that aren’t a good fit.
  • Steve Pokin and Jackie Rehwald tackled our most ambitious project as their Living in Fear series examined the breadth and depth of domestic violence in Greene County and Springfield, which has the state’s highest rate of reports of that crime. Their six-month investigation involved more than 50 interviews, plus creation of a unique database to track outcomes of charges filed in court. The series concluded with a focus on solutions, including ideas gathered at a community roundtable where local experts, advocates and survivors discussed the scourge of abuse.

Those are just some of the more than 50 in-depth reports we published this year.

Our team is united by the common goal of bringing you unbiased coverage of the local news that affects each of us. We believe good journalism brings issues to light, but great journalism brings communities together.

While support from subscribers covers part of our expenses, we also depend on your tax-deductible donations to amplify our mission, and we hope you will join others in supporting the Daily Citizen.

Today, your gift is matched due to generous partners. Will you consider an end-of-year gift to support 100% local, 100% independent local news?

David Stoeffler

David Stoeffler is the chief executive officer of the Hauxeda. He has more than 40 years experience in the news business, having been a reporter, editor and news executive in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, Arizona and Missouri. You may email him at or call 417-837-3664. More by David Stoeffler