Terri West McQueary and Jim Anderson, co-chairs of the United Springfield political action committee. (Photo by Marty Walker)

Episode description: Tom Carlson sits down with Terri West McQueary and Jim Anderson, the chairs of the newly formed nonpartisan PAC, United Springfield. In this discussion, Terri and Jim share insights into the PAC's mission to foster a diverse and robust field of candidates for local elections. Discover the motivations behind the formation of United Springfield, the challenges they aim to address in the local political landscape, and the importance of nonpartisan collaboration in shaping the future of the community.

If you're passionate about local governance and the vitality of democracy, this episode offers a compelling exploration of the efforts to unite and strengthen Springfield through a diverse representation of voices in the political arena.

About the podcast: In Our Town is a podcast about Springfield, Mo. issues and leaders, hosted by Tom Carlson, publisher and founder of the Hauxeda.

About the host: Tom Carlson is the publisher and founder of the Hauxeda. An attorney and real estate developer who specializes in affordable housing, Tom was the longest-serving mayor of Springfield, serving 14 years over seven non-consecutive terms between 1988 and 2009.