The Hauxeda is committed to transparency in funding for our organization.

Accepting financial support does not mean we endorse donors or their products, services or opinions.

On May 4, 2022, we received notice that the Internal Revenue Service had approved our application for 501(c)(3) nonprofit status, retroactive to Aug. 20, 2021. (Access a copy of our notification letter here.)

We accept gifts, grants and sponsorships from individuals, organizations and foundations to help with our general operations, coverage of specific topics and special projects. Consistent with our nonprofit status, we operate as a public trust and we may not pay certain taxes. We may receive funds from standard government programs offered to nonprofits or similar businesses.

Our news judgments are made independently — not based on or influenced by donors or any revenue source. We do not give supporters the rights to assign, review or edit content.

At a minimum, to be consistent with reporting requirements on the IRS Form 990 Return for Organizations Exempt from Income Tax, we make public all donors who have made a gift or pledge of $5,000 or more recorded in a single year.

Please see our Partnerships section for a list of local businesses and organizations that are investing in the Daily Citizen and helping to underwrite our mission to produce independent, impartial, fair, and unbiased reporting

As a news nonprofit, we seek to avoid accepting charitable donations — other than through subscriptions or similar programs available to the general public — from anonymous sources, government entities, political parties, elected officials or candidates seeking public office. With approval of our board, donations may be accepted from people who formerly served in elected office, as well as from people who (after the gift has been recorded) choose to seek elected office. We will not accept donations from sources who, deemed by our board of directors, present a conflict of interest with our work or compromise our independence.

If you are interested in supporting the start-up fundraising campaign for the Daily Citizen, link here to more information and a pledge form.

We make every effort to acknowledge donors as they prefer. If you would like to change or correct your listing, please contact CEO David Stoeffler at

Donors of $5,000 or more

Reflects gifts and pledges of $5,000 or more recorded in a single year, consistent with Schedule B of IRS Form 990.

(Alphabetical listing, updated Feb. 22, 2024)

  • Jim and Janet Anderson
  • Arvest Foundation
  • Kate Baird and Mike Stevens (The La Boda Fund)
  • Rob and Sally Baird Fund
  • Thomas H. and Josephine Baird Memorial Fund
  • Tom and Jamie Baird
  • Jim Baker
  • Annie Busch
  • Tom and Chandler Carlson
  • Joe and Marie Carmichael
  • James Leon Combs
  • Mark and Mary Eck
  • Thomas and Kay Finnie Fund
  • Fogle Family Fund
  • Rob and Cindy Fulp
  • Craig and Mary Kay Frazier
  • Larry and Glenna Frazier
  • Galanes Family Foundation
  • Great Southern Bank
  • Jim and Mary Hagale
  • Sam F. and June S. Hamra
  • Hatch Foundation
  • Hal Higdon
  • Dr. and Mrs. Michael D. Hoeman
  • Jeff Hutchens/Hutchens Industries
  • Kim and Fritz Jacobi
  • Jeannette L. Musgrave Foundation
  • John and Kerry Jungmann
  • Randy and Chantelle Kammerdiener
  • Mike and Beverly Keltner
  • Kelly and Louise Knauer
  • Andy and Cindy Lear
  • Merrill Lynch Nelson Hallam Group
  • John E. Moore Jr.
  • David and Stacey O'Reilly
  • Ryan and Brandi O'Reilly
  • Pendleton Family Foundation
  • Eric Peterson
  • Thomas and Kimberly Prater Family Fund
  • M. Suzanne Shaw
  • Gail and Clif Smart
  • SMC Packaging Group/Southern Missouri Containers Inc.
  • Stephen H. Snead
  • SRC Holdings Corp.
  • Jack Stack
  • Earl A. Steinert Jr.
  • David Stoeffler
  • Turner Family Foundation
  • Michael and Nancy White
  • Tal and Rosalie O'Reilly Wooten Family Foundation Fund

Donors giving less than $5,000

Note: Donors giving less than $5,000 may choose to be omitted from this list.

(Alphabetical listing, updated Feb. 29, 2024)

  • Anonymous
  • Drew Albert
  • Teresa Allen
  • Maridel Allinder
  • Ana Aparicio
  • Jim Atteberry
  • Rick Ayre
  • Ron and Paula Baird
  • Barb Baker
  • Judy Baker
  • Kemery Baldwin
  • Sandy Balsters
  • Dennis Barr
  • Cheryl Bartkowski
  • Jane Bennett
  • Linda and Jerry Benson
  • Dr. John and Roseann Bentley
  • Lisa Berger
  • Denis Bergquist
  • Stephen Berkwitz
  • Michael Bishop-Jones
  • Brad Bledsoe
  • Abby and Roy Blunt
  • Barbara Bolton
  • Jonathan Booze
  • Kent Boyd
  • LeAnn Brazeal
  • Greg and Betsy Burris
  • Geoffrey Butler
  • Dana Carroll
  • Scott Whiteley Carter
  • Tom Carver
  • Margaret Castrey
  • David Catlin
  • William Cheek
  • Richard Chiles
  • Sue Chrisman
  • Eric and Betty Christiansen
  • Stephen Christiansen
  • Lacie Clark
  • Lynn S. Cline
  • Marthe Close
  • Angela Collins
  • Bruce Colony
  • Community Foundation of the Ozarks (President's Fund)
  • Ann Compton
  • William Cooper
  • Laura Cowart
  • Raymond Crespo
  • Linda Crim
  • Ethel Curbow
  • Robin Daniels
  • Janet and Herb Dankert
  • Andy Dalton
  • Rita Davis
  • George Deatz
  • Paula Deschamp
  • Kara DeBacker
  • Ernest Decamp
  • Eric Eckert
  • Jane Elder
  • Perry Elkins
  • Cynthia Erb
  • Miranda Eudaly
  • In honor of Dale Freeman
  • Judy Freeman
  • Fund for Nonprofit News at The Miami Foundation
  • Steve Gardner
  • Duan Gavel
  • Ella Goeppinger
  • Juliana Goodwin
  • Jo Hamilton
  • Beth Harkins
  • Mark and Angie Harrell
  • Ralph Harris
  • David and Sandy Harrison
  • Debbie and Bill Hart
  • Donald Hartley
  • Gretchen Heinz
  • Holly Henderson
  • Richard Hernandez
  • Joe and Linda Hills
  • Sony Hocklander
  • Crista Hogan
  • Jamie Holdt
  • David Hutchison
  • Institute for Mature Learners
  • Tamera Jahnke
  • John Jasinski
  • Warford and Jane Ann Johnson
  • Judi Kamien and Roy Lloyd
  • Terry Kapp
  • Paul Kincaid
  • Sandra King
  • Gordon and Laura Kinne
  • Winter and Marshall Kinne Family Fund
  • Keith LaFerriere
  • Roberta Laney
  • George Latimer
  • Andrew Lear
  • Linda Leicht
  • Patrick Logue
  • Kay Logsdon
  • Nicholas London
  • Lisa Longwell
  • Guy Mace
  • Nancy Maddy
  • Steve Mann
  • Cory Matteson
  • Mattax Neu Prater Eye Center (Community Match)
  • Rick Matz
  • Renie McClay
  • Lindsey McDaniel
  • Elaine McDonald
  • Patricia McGregor
  • Morey and Norm Mechlin
  • Terry O. and Mary Kay Meek Fund
  • John E. Melton
  • Merrill Lynch/Nelson Hallam Group
  • John Mihalevich
  • John F. Monaghan
  • Jonna Montileone
  • Victoria Moore
  • Patricia Morey
  • James Morris
  • Daniel Moser
  • Sarah Muegge
  • Arden Munson
  • Debra Murray
  • Larry Murphy
  • Network for Good
  • Michael O'Brien
  • Kathleen O’Dell
  • David B. Offer
  • Charlie O’Reilly
  • Barbara Parker
  • Betty and Todd Parnell
  • Mary Ann Pendergraft
  • Richard Pendleton
  • Jim Penn
  • Amanda Pfeifer
  • Francine Pratt
  • Raeanne Presley
  • Martin Preuss
  • Joyce Pyle
  • Jerry Clark Quinn
  • Brian Ranft
  • Laura Ransin
  • Lee Rasch
  • Tom Reinbold
  • Stacy Rexwinkle
  • John Richards
  • Kevin Dwight Richardson
  • Betty Ridge
  • Mark Ringenberg
  • James Robinette
  • Nicholas Rodenberg
  • Doug Roller
  • Debbie Rollinson
  • Tim Roth
  • Jeff Rowe
  • Rita Ruckert
  • George Salmon
  • Peter Salter
  • Gloria Scarlet
  • Debbie Seitzer
  • Melissa Shantz
  • David Shaw
  • Terry Shelton
  • Mary Alice Simpson
  • Jeanie Skibiski
  • John Smalley
  • Cathy Smith
  • Erica Smith
  • Ted A. Smith
  • Stephanie Stenger
  • Mike Stevens
  • Bill Stoeffler
  • Christine Stoeffler
  • John Tate
  • Charles and Jan Taylor
  • Oxana Tronina
  • John Twitty
  • Theda Vaughn
  • Melissa Wakefield
  • John E. Wanamaker
  • David Welde
  • Terry Whaley
  • Mike and Nancy White
  • Carmen Wiles
  • Ronnie Willis
  • Doris Wilson
  • Jym Wilson
  • Mark Woolsey
  • Rusty Worley
  • John Wyrsch
  • Vonda Yarberry
  • Mike Yeomans