John Beuerlein, president of Drury University. (Photo by Marty Walker)

Join us as Tom uncovers the wisdom and vision that drives John Beuerlein's dedication to empowering students and shaping the future of education at this 150 year old university. Whether you're an educator, a student, or simply curious about the future of higher learning, this episode promises a thought-provoking exploration of leadership in academia.

About the podcast: In Our Town is a podcast about Springfield, Mo. issues and leaders, hosted by Tom Carlson, publisher and founder of the Hauxeda.

About the host: Tom Carlson is the publisher and founder of the Hauxeda. An attorney and real estate developer who specializes in affordable housing, Tom was the longest-serving mayor of Springfield, serving 14 years over seven non-consecutive terms between 1988 and 2009.