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The Hauxeda welcomes letters to the editor with a focus on local issues and with preference to letters written by Greene County residents, and submitted exclusively to the Daily Citizen.

In advance of the Nov. 8 election, we are publishing letters from residents urging support (or opposition) for various candidates or ballot measures.

The deadline for submitting election-related letters is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 2.

We will publish letters through Friday, Nov. 4, but may make exceptions for letters written in response to a previously published letter. Exceptions are made primarily to allow someone to point out an unfounded assertion or to raise previously unknown information. We also give extra leeway to letters with complaints about the Daily Citizen or the way a story has been handled. Decisions on any exceptions are made by David Stoeffler, chief executive officer.

The Daily Citizen has a complete policy on letters to the editor. The policy emphasizes the need for civility, and that writers must provide verifiable sources for “facts” stated in letters. We attempt to weed out letters that are following a form suggested by some interest group or other third party.

Short, pithy letters (200 words or less) get high priority for publication. Letters of more than 500 words will be rejected, except in unusual circumstances.

See our complete policy and submit your letter to the editor with the online form found here.