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by Carol VanBenthusen, Springfield

Amendment 1 on the upcoming ballot for rezoning has taken on a life of its own for those it affects the most.

This is not about being against one individual; it is about a community that cares about where they live. It started with the Galloway Village neighbors opposing a proposed apartment/retail development directly across from Sequiota Park. This park and the area are known for their natural beauty with trees, a trail, and wildlife. If the development is approved it will drastically change all of that and cause several problems such as traffic and increased flooding concerns. The landscape and feel of the area will forever be destroyed.

We live here and we know firsthand the effects this will have. We have fought for four years through proper channels to have our concerns and voices heard. It seems our city leaders only support developers and forget the thousands of citizens that elect them, to the point we had to take it to the Missouri State Courts. Ultimately, we won and chastised the city for its actions. Hence, Amendment 1 is now up to citizens to decide.

I believe that our elected officials need to know our voices count. Vote NO!
